DEF Projects

1.Rights to Job Empowerment :

It is a project to provide EMLOYMENT to needy and unemployed people. We have tied up with many companies and placement agencies in order to make this project a common and approachable platform to get employment for one and all. The project is totally a non-profit affair targeting job placements to everyone.

2.Rights to Know Your Rights :

This project is for creating awareness through continuous seminars and training programs on HUMAN RIGHTS and CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to common people. Roughly thousands of people have already attended such seminars in different areas conducted by the project team. The project has gained fast momentum and has received heavy appreciation throughout.

3. Rights to Food :

It started with a vision to FEED those underprivileged section of poor people who can't even afford to buy grains for their families. The project also supports people who have lost their ability to earn due to accident or any such event. The project provides grains to families of such poor people on monthly basis.

4. Rights to Vision :

This is a major EYE DONATION CAMPAIGN which targets to support blind people. As everyone knows that after death, human body organs are of no use, but it can change a blind person's life forever. Under this project, a person can fill a simple form and enroll himself for donating his eyes after death.

5. Rights to Education :

The project aims to provide FREE EDUCATION to poor and underprivileged children who cannot afford to join school. Many teachers, corporate trainers, who are already members have come forward to teach at absolutely free of cost.

6. Rights to Women Empowerment :

This project is floated for TRAINING WOMEN about their self defense and constitutional laws related to women. We have tied up with martial arts experts & police officials to provide practical seminars on women self defense & awareness. Additionally, constitutional session on women rights is also conducted by our expert legal advisors on regular basis.

7. Rights to Old Age Home Visit :

This project targets for frequent visits and donations to OLD AGE HOMES. It supports senior citizens who have been left out alone by their families/relatives or due to other circumstances. Frequent visits by our team help to boost up morale of senior citizens and prevent them from feeling isolated and depressed.

8. Rights to Health Checkup :

In the fast paced life of today, most of the people are highly negligent to their HEALTH. Under this project, we tie up with expert dieticians, doctors and nutritionist to conduct seminars in different places on proper diet schedules, healthy habits & lifestyle etc.

9. Rights to Medical Help Support :

This project supports ailing patients by providing them with free medical aid and by donating required medicines. In few possible cases, the project team request hospitals to cut down operation bills and medical bills considering the financial status of patient.

See this link for our Project : Diya Nurse Bureau

10. Rights to Cloth :

This project is a continuous CLOTH donation programme conducted at many place to help out poor people on regular basis. In general, there are lots of used cloths in every house which are thrown away after their usage period. Our team collects such cloths as donations, segregates good cloths and donates it to needy kids, women, old people or anyone in need.

11. Rights to Childrens Education Support :

This project is mainly to support childrens for education. The project aims to provide FREE EDUCATION to poor and underprivileged children who cannot afford to join school. Many teachers, corporate trainers, who are already members have come forward to teach at absolutely free of cost.

12. Rights to Income :

This project supports upcoming talented person who lacks funds, backup or proper platform to launch themselves. Such sportsperson get proper platform through this project.